Dark Spots on Face
Did you ever wonder why you have dark spots on your face? Dark spots are quite common in women when they reach their middle age, hyper-pigmentation on the skin occurs.
When more melanin is produced pigmentation appear in certain areas of your skin like your forehead, cheek bones, or even around the face. Although these are quite normal, there are some types of dark spots that may need to be checked out by a dermatologist that may have an underlying skin condition.
There are several causes for dark spots to appear:
Hormonal Imbalance
When hormonal imbalance occurs, there is a chance that hyper pigmentation can occur. Pregnancy, menopause, or even taking hormone pills can cause dark spots to appear.
Skin Disorders
Hyper-pigmentation can develop if you already have some form of skin disorder. Aging may cause pigmentation to appear.
Acne Scars
Acne breakouts can leave dark spots on your skin. These spots don’t really disappear quickly unless you try some remedies to lighten them up.
Sun Exposure
There is nothing wrong with getting a bit of sunshine as this is a good source of vitamin D. But if you tend to spend most of your time outdoors, under the heat of the sun, dark spots are sure to appear.
Here are a few treatments that will make your dark spots disappear.
Wear sunscreen daily at least 30 minutes prior to leaving home. This will allow the sunscreen enough time to be absorbed by the skin so that it will be protected from the harsh rays of the sun. Choose sunscreen that has a high SPF to better protect your skin from dark spots.
Castor Oil
Use castor oil on the affected areas, it acts as a bleaching agent on your skin. You should apply castor oil on the dark spots twice a day. Gently rub the oil on the spot in a circular motion to get the desired results fast.
Why not try making your own scrubs this can also help lighten the dark spots that are marring your face. Combine some honey and brown sugar and massage on your dark spots. Massage in a circular motion to help penetrate the skin. Do these remedy every two weeks and you will see those dark spots disappear.