3 Beauty Time Saving Tips

3 Beauty Time Saving Tips

Teri Row
We are all trying to save time every day to make room for things that are more important, like catching up with your best friend over a glass of wine, playing with your kids or cooking your partner that fabulous dinner you saw on Masterchef the other night.

Did you know that going to a spa can save you time during the week… yes it really can! It might seem a little indulgent of time, but that 15-40 minutes can end up being a big time saver when you really need it. Plus you get to look fabulous while doing it!

1 – Eyebrow and Eyelash tint:

If you are fair of colour and pencil in your brows, why not consider having your eyebrows tined by a professional, save yourself a few minutes in the morning applying the colour.

2 – Gel nails:

Who hates it when your nails chip? I know I do! Not having to reapply or start over really helps that save you 15-20 minutes a day.

3 – Waxing:

Did you know that when you wax your legs and other parts… it takes longer for the hair to grow back? What a time saver not having to shave your legs every second day?

La Vita Spas offer all three, plus some other amazing time saving treatments.