How a Spa Day can help get you a job

How a Spa Day can help get you a job

Teri Row

If you thought being well groomed was old fashioned and  no one cares anymore, think again…

The old saying of first impressions really count is true, before you have even opened your mouth or finished your sentence, the person you have just met is weighing you up.

Unfortunately society is still very superficial, and we can’t help but notice your chipped nails while you sit across the table from us. When you look unkempt the subconscious mind has already judged you. An untidy outer appearance may give the impression you are sloppy with your work. If attention to detail is important for your role, then paying attention to how you look will play a role in how you are perceived.  


Have you ever thought about asking before an interview if the company you are going to has a uniform policy? Do they dress very formal or ‘Harry casual’? It’s important to dress the part, and for them to see you as someone that could fit in with the team.

We might not all look like Beyoncé, but when you exude confidence you radiate and your true beauty will shine. The feeling of just having your nails done can send you on a little euphoric high and your strut might just have a little more pep in your step.

If you are going to a special interview or lined up a meeting with your boss to talk increases, why not book a day at the spa over the weekend and make sure you are looking and feeling golden!

When you look good you feel good.